4 Tips For Using Fireworks Safely Around Your Home 

Summertime and the 4th of July bring more outdoor activities including fireworks. 4th of July gatherings often bring a higher volume of emergency calls about injuries and fires because people neglect firework safety. These explosives are extremely dangerous and should be handled with care, especially around children, your home, and flammable material. Using fireworks safely starts with awareness and proper yard maintenance. 

Trees, leaves, twigs, and other debris can easily catch fire when a firework goes haywire. Taking some steps before you light fireworks to keep your home safe will limit expensive damage. Cleaning your home, establishing a safety perimeter, and practicing fire safety tips are ways to begin using fireworks safely. 

1- Clean Up Random Leaves And Yard Debris

There are many flammable materials that can surround your home that fireworks can instantly catch on fire. Taking care of your yard with yard cleaning and home maintenance will limit the risk of fires and smoldering leaves. Even small fireworks like sparklers can light an old pile of leaves, debris in your gutters, or dead plants and spread around your entire home.

Sierra Vista Maintenance can help remove debris and leaves from your yard after the spring season. Our team now offers junk removal which can help improve your yard before you light fireworks or bonfires. Summertime should be filled with fun and memories, so we help to give you peace of mind about the safety of your home. 

2- Ditch Faulty Or Damaged Fireworks

Old fireworks or ones that did not light correctly the first time should be disposed of properly and not relit. These faulty fireworks could lead to major explosions that could cause bodily harm or a major fire. 

4 Tips For Using Fireworks Safely Around Your Home 

Some fireworks come with problems or have become damaged in transportation or shipment. If your fireworks look bent, dented, or otherwise damaged, it is better to stay safe rather than risk lighting a faulty firework. Using fireworks safely starts will assessing the all fireworks beforehand and lighting them away from others. 

3- Don’t Point Fireworks At Others

This tip for using fireworks safely may seem like common sense, but many people may make the mistake of pointing fireworks away from other objects or themselves and end up pointing them at someone else. When lighting fireworks, make sure they are pointing up and are placed on stable ground.

You should also not hold lit fireworks as they could explode your hand or arm, or the explosives could shoot off toward others depending on how you are holding them. Keep poppers, sparklers, or other small fireworks away from people’s eyes, hair, or clothing. 

It is also a good rule of thumb to light fireworks away from roofs, gutters, trees, and wood piles. Pointing or aiming fireworks at anything could be dangerous. 

4- Keep A Bucket Of Water Or Hose Nearby

Fire can be stopped quickly when water or a hose is readily available. Another tip for using fireworks safely is to have a bucket filled with water or a garden hose in close proximity. This will make it easy to stop the spread of a firework or sparks from the firework. 

Sparklers can also be put out and cooled down in a tall bucket which helps you avoid placing them on the ground. Hot fireworks or sparks can lead to burns on feet or legs, so having a designated space for used fireworks will keep everyone safe. 

Cleaning From Sierra Vista Maintenance

Cleaning up your yard and around your home can do more than just limit firework damage. Taking the time and money to hire a professional can improve many mechanisms of your home and make it more functional. During the summer months, we know that homeowners are busy and often forget about items like gutter cleaning, chimney sweeping, dryer vent cleaning, or removing junk. 

4 Tips For Using Fireworks Safely Around Your Home 

Sierra Vista Maintenance can take these items off your plate and improve your home. We provide timely services and work hard to respect your property and home while working. No matter what project you need or how long you have let it go, we can improve your yard in preparation for summer activities.

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